Sunday, November 27, 2011

In the Spirit of Things!

Despite that disgruntled look on his face, my dear little Peek a Boo, kindly serves as model as I crochet a little hat. He's the only little guy I have on hand as all the show bears have traveled to their new homes. He did point out that he wasn't a girl and frills just weren't his thing, but got in the Spirit of Things when I promised cookies after.
Yesterday was called Small Business Saturday, so in the Spirit of Things, Travis and I spent the morning in beautiful downtown Smithfield doing our part to help our favorite shops prosper! Here's the window of my favorite store in the world, Wharf Hill Antiques. I bought some Christmas decorations and can't wait to display them!
In the Spirit of Things, Kim's Beau sinks his teeth into her candy cane! My favorite photography quote - besides all those wonderful things that Ansel Adams said - is "the best camera is the one that's with you." I thoroughly love all the moments Kim and Jason are able to share with me as they use their iPhone cameras to snap these delicious memories!
And finally this moment of brotherly love! Jason captured his Max and Sam sharing the very best part of the holiday season - a time to remember and be with those we love in the Spirit of Things!

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