Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Beginnings

The new year brings wonderful opportunities if we just keep our eyes ready to see!

Thinking of all the new bears and bunnies and other friends in store for the year, I couldn't pass the yarn store on a recent trip to Virginia Beach without checking what might work for some flower pincushions for those born in the Spring to sit upon! The colors in the Noro yarn I selected are luscious and I think I may just have some fur to match for their outfits!
Check back and we'll make a pincushion sit-upon together!

As I'm from Florida, I'm ready for Soring right after Christmas! Though it will be 70 degrees here in southern Virginia today, I expect we have a lot of cold to get through before we see Soring flowers! Let's just imagine them in our hearts! And crochet one or two!!

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