Sunday, January 6, 2013

Thinking of Spring Here

A recent interview asked me what the future would bring - what's going to be new for the new 2013. That certainly reminded me of making new year's resolutions which I never do - not because I don't feel as though they are worth while - just that the year travels at such a speed and then it's time to cook the black eyed peas! (For those not accustomed to southern U. S. customs, it's supposed to be good luck to eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day! A custom which I whole heartedly adhere to because I LOVE black eyed peas!)
The fact is that I don't often have the luxury of planning ahead or thinking of what comes next. Busy as I am, things just flow from one thing to the next. Being asked the question, I had to stop and think of what might come next! I would love to include patterns and kits in my repertory this next year. I have ideas for some new little ones that will use this marvelous new extra extra long fur pictured above in the lovely little lop. Somehow factored in are the shows I'll do: Philadelphia in May, TBAI in August, and Hunt Valley in November ....and the online shows if I can remember the deadlines for application - which I failed to do for the last show of 2012 and the first one for 2013 of Teddies Worldwide.

One thing in store soon will be a give away! I am so thrilled to see the numbers mounting on my page views and feel as though I must celebrate and give away a bear in thanks to my blog/website visitors. Be sure to visit soon and I'll have a photo along with the "rules" for entering the giveaway.

Just reading over plans for the year makes me wonder if I will remember to buy this year's black eyed peas on time!

I really appreciate my visitors and wish each of you a splendid 2013!!

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